The Problem:
Anaerobic digesters are specially designed and insulated tanks that are used to facilitate the anaerobic digestion process under a controlled atmosphere. This is to achieve maximum biogas production in a short period of time.
How Was RIDGLOK® Selected?
Specified by Engineer: As with all project materials and equipment, engineers seek products that economically meet all their customers’ needs. In this case, the Engineer of Record was concerned with losing heat generated by the tank heater equipment. This heat is necessary to keep the anaerobic digestion process at the optimal temperature.
To ensure the best system for their client:
A: The Engineer of Record specified RIDGLOK in the project design specification documents.
B: The client selected RIDGLOK in the project design specification documents.

The Solution:
This RIDGLOK® Vertical Standing Seam Panel Insulation System was manufactured at our facility in Reed, KY for installation on a 91.41’ diameter x 42.66’ tall anaerobic digester storage tank in Charlotte, NC using 2” of Polyisocyanurate Insulation Board R-13.1 laminated to 0.024 Stucco Embossed Aluminum standing seam metal jacketing.
The Experience:
Despite the challenges with installing around 3 web stiffener rings, the installation crew finished the project ahead of schedule.
The Result:
Now the client will have a more controlled environment for speedier biogas production.

Upon completion of the project, the project manager stated:
“Work performed was impeccable, professional execution, and presence.”
The client also stated the work was done in a satisfactory manner and that they would refer MC&I and the RIDGLOK® Panel System.