Burnie, Tasmania, Australia • Wastewater Treatment
MC&I provided materials to insulate a 110.56’ x 31.33’ anaerobic digester tank at the Lion Dairy located in Burnie, Tasmania. Lion engaged ADI Systems Asia Pacific to deliver a waste water treatment solution that will enable Lion to meet its current and future obligations; and provide a community-focused solution through potential provision of sludge as a soil amendment for local farmers, and flexibility to meet effluent discharge limits without imposing additional load on the current municipal treatment plant.

RIDGLOK® Tank Insulation Loaded Container | Burnie, Tasmania
ADI Systems’ solution for the Burnie site is ADI Systems’ proprietary anaerobic ADI-BVF® digester, which has been proven in over twenty-five dairy applications. One of ADI Systems’ most recent installations was for Lion’s Crestmead dairy in Brisbane, Australia – it is operating successfully, and the performance continues to be monitored and maintained through ADI Systems’ on-going commitment to aftercare service.
This RIDGLOK® Vertical Standing Seam Panel Insulation System was manufactured at our facility in Reed, KY and shipped multi-modal transportation via truck, train, ocean freight, ferry, and back to truck before arriving at it intended destination in Burnie, Tasmania. The insulation will be installed on a water storage tank for ADI Systems.
The tank is a 110.56’ diameter x 31.33’ high flat bolted tank. The RIDGLOK® Insulated Panel System consists of 0.024 stucco-embossed aluminum metal jacketing, in Gray, laminated to 2.0” thickness of polyisocyanurate insulation board with an R-value of 13.1.

Un-Insulated Tank | Burnie, Tasmania


Anaerobic digesters are specially designed and insulated tanks that are used to facilitate the anaerobic digestion process under a controlled atmosphere. This is to achieve maximum biogas production in a short period of time.
ANAEROBIC DIGESTERS: Organic waste such as animal manure is collected and put in an air tight digester tank. Various types of bacteria are added, and the decomposition of the matter begins. Process temperatures affect the rate of digestion and need to be regulated in order to maintain the correct temperature. Insulation helps regulate the temperatures within the tank, along with heaters. Anaerobic digestion is used as a source of renewable energy.
MC&I is the proud manufacturer of the RIDGLOK® Vertical Standing Seam Panel Insulation System for ground storage tanks. RIDGLOK® insulation systems are engineered to be energy efficient, low maintenance, and cost effective. RIDGLOK® can be used for both heated and cold storage applications WHILE TANK REMAINS IN SERVICE. This tank insulation system can be applied to all types of tanks, including flat bolted, chimed bolted, glass lined, fiberglass, welded, stainless steel, and concrete. The RIDGLOK® vertical standing seam panel insulation system is an efficient thermal barrier, helping save money on utility costs of heating or cooling the tank. Insulate your storage tank with RIDGLOK®!