The Problem: Anaerobic digesters are specially designed and insulated tanks that are used to facilitate the anaerobic digestion process under a controlled atmosphere. This is to achieve maximum biogas production in a short period of time. How Was RIDGLOK® Selected? Specified by Engineer: As with all project materials and equipment, engineers seek products that economically […]
Case Study: Digester Tank at Holmes Cheese
Project Overview – Holmes Cheese MC&I designed, manufactured, and installed the RIDGLOK® Vertical Standing Seam Insulated Panel System on a box-shaped digester ground storage tank located at Holmes Cheese in Millersburg, OH. For more details of the advanced wastewater treatment system storage tank insulation project for Holmes Cheese, click here. The wastewater treatment storage tank […]
Two RIDGLOK® Wastewater Digester Storage Tanks Beaver Dam, WI
Project Overview MC&I designed, manufactured, and installed the RIDGLOK® Vertical Standing Seam Panel Insulation System on two wastewater digester storage tanks located in Beaver Dam, WI. For more details of the Beaver Dam Wastewater Treatment Digester Storage Tank Facility project, click here. Tank Specifications This digester storage tank insulation project consisted of 2 storage tanks. The […]
Dr. Pepper Snapple Bottling Plant, Houston, TX
Food & Beverage Processing | Flat Bolted Ground Wastewater Storage Tanks | RIDGLOK® Vertical Standing Seam Insulated Panel System MC&I designed, manufactured and installed the RIDGLOK® Vertical Standing Seam Insulated Panel System on four (4) wastewater flat bolted ground storage tanks, located at the Dr. Pepper Snapple Bottling plant in Houston, TX. Three of the […]
Weston Disposal Site Waste Water Treatment Plant Ridglok Leachate Collection Tank Insulation Mosinee WI
This RIDGLOK® Vertical Standing Seam Panel Insulation System was installed on leachate collection storage tank located in Mosinee, WI. The tank was a 25.10’ diameter x 29.10’ high flat bolted tank and the project was completed on December 18, 2015. The RIDGLOK® Insulated Panel System consisted of 0.024 stucco-embossed aluminum metal jacketing in grey laminated […]
Wastewater Treatment Ridglok® Anaerobic Digester Insulation Replacement Project
This RIDGLOK® Vertical Standing Seam Panel Insulation System was manufactured at our facility in Reed, KY for installation on a storage tank for a wastewater treatment facility. The tank dimensions were 30’ diameter x 24’ high for the lower half of the tank. The existing EFIS insulation on lower half was removed and the top […]
Burnie Tasmania Australia Wastebunwater Treatment
MC&I provided materials to insulate a 110.56’ x 31.33’ anaerobic digester tank at the Lion Dairy located in Burnie, Tasmania. Lion engaged ADI Systems Asia Pacific to deliver a waste water treatment solution that will enable Lion to meet its current and future obligations; and provide a community-focused solution through potential provision of sludge as […]
Wastewater Treatment Ridglok Tank Insulation
This RIDGLOK® Vertical Standing Seam Panel Insulation System was manufactured at our facility in Reed, KY for installation on a storage tank at a wastewater treatment facility. The 212,000 gallon tank was constructed for fire protection at the facility and required insulation to keep the service water from freezing in frigid temperatures. The tank dimensions […]